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Different facial concerns (Facial Veins / Rosacea / Red Spots)

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Rosacea is a prevalent skin condition typically manifesting between the ages of 30 and 60, commonly observed on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose.

Individuals with rosacea or facial veins often experience facial thread veins, given the red and flushed appearance of the skin. The presence of red veins and flushing can be distressing.

Although rosacea is a chronic condition, our medical-grade IPL treatment at VIZAGE enables us to formulate a personalised treatment plan to effectively manage and control your rosacea and facial veins. Book your consultation online. 

Proven Safety Record

Suitable for a range of vascular lesions

Quick treatment sessions

World-leading technology at VIZAGE

Best Results

3 - 12 treatments


24 - 48 hours

Procedure Time

30 - 60 minutes



From £113, packages available 

What is VIZAGE's technology of choice for Rosacea treatments?


What causes this condition?

Rosacea and other facial veins can be triggered by various factors, including alcohol, exercise, extreme temperatures, hot beverages, spicy foods, stress, and sun exposure. Since there is no cure for rosacea, we will collaborate closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan aimed at addressing and minimising the effects of rosacea.



Expert practitioners


Personalised treatments


Natural-looking results


Cutting-edge technology


Client satisfaction

“I'd been toying with the idea of lip filler for AGES but had always managed to talk myself out of it - I was worried it wouldn't look natural on me! However, Dr Jasmin is AMAZING! I only had my lips done yesterday but the swelling has already reduced and I love the shape. They look really natural and I can't stop staring at them! Dr Jasmin is also a really lovely person - she took the time to listen to what I wanted and also gave me good advice on things other than my procedure. She is a qualified dentist too, so I knew that she was the best of the best and knew her way around a face! Thank you so so much - I can't wait to visit you again. You're truly the best at what you do and lovely too! Elisha x

Elisha M - Google Review

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